And what is this perceived 'normal' 'state' of womanhood, as defined and legitimised by Man? Arguably this.
That woman be the bearer and carer of his children. That she be the bearer of water and tiller of fields.
Be his comforter and the object of his desire. That she be his house-servant and his source of cheap labour.
All while Elite Man is free to fuck up the world and ensure that women remain his bonded servant.
Of course, if this is the 'natural station' of women, and they have come to accept it as such.
That it is not given to them to seek after of attain this 'freedom' of which Man speaks so relentlessly and seems to hold in such high regard. Then, might it not be, well, alright, be acceptable?
After all, is it not the case that 'injustice' and 'a state of unfreeness' only exists where those who are perceived as existing in such states, perceive themselves as being subjected to them?
Can a woman, or, for that matter, a man, be truly imprisoned, if she does not believe herself to be in a state or condition of imprisonment?
Therefore, if women do not consider themselves to be being short-changed by Man, might it not be that they are not really being oppressed by them and do not need to be made 'free'?
That it is not given to them to seek after of attain this 'freedom' of which Man speaks so relentlessly and seems to hold in such high regard. Then, might it not be, well, alright, be acceptable?
After all, is it not the case that 'injustice' and 'a state of unfreeness' only exists where those who are perceived as existing in such states, perceive themselves as being subjected to them?
Can a woman, or, for that matter, a man, be truly imprisoned, if she does not believe herself to be in a state or condition of imprisonment?
Therefore, if women do not consider themselves to be being short-changed by Man, might it not be that they are not really being oppressed by them and do not need to be made 'free'?
All of which might be true for some women, some of the times. Depending on their level of ergosumness.
For it is knowledge and understanding of what factors have come together, fortuitously or by design, to make one the person she has become.
Both in terms of how she perceives of the world consciously, and how she goes about acting and reacting within it, automatically, or unthinkingly.
All of which would suggests that, not being aware of ones state of bondedness or 'unfreeness', is not an objective way of disproving the presence or absence of such states.
For it is knowledge and understanding of what factors have come together, fortuitously or by design, to make one the person she has become.
Both in terms of how she perceives of the world consciously, and how she goes about acting and reacting within it, automatically, or unthinkingly.
All of which would suggests that, not being aware of ones state of bondedness or 'unfreeness', is not an objective way of disproving the presence or absence of such states.
After all, we can imagine that this is also why Man, Elite Man, has made himself the 'thinker and decision-maker', both for himself and women.
Having perceived the danger of thinking and of having knowledge. Which could undoubtedly lead to the uncovering of his deceit and the injustice of his conspiracy to make women his 'natural servant.'
To be continued.
Having perceived the danger of thinking and of having knowledge. Which could undoubtedly lead to the uncovering of his deceit and the injustice of his conspiracy to make women his 'natural servant.'
To be continued.
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