Barak Obama, if he is and was committed to the Acts and policies which has become his legacy, as a President of the United States of America.
If he believes in the Affordable Care Act. If he believes in the Iran/West/Russian Nuclear Agreement.
If he believes in the ending of America' trade embargo on Cuba.
If he believes in the policies his former Administration has taken to help protect the environment from persistent and mutually destructive attacks by humans.
Then, it is more than time for Barak Obama to regain his eloquent voice, and make himself be seen, making some loud noises about the shit which is now taking and is likely to be taking place in Washington and America.
It is very clear that Donald Trump and his Republicons have no intention of 'draining the miasmic swamp' in Washington. How could they?
When such an action would bring about their own deaths, as they also feed on it and cannot survive without it.
Their intention is to make it bigger - 'greater', according to DT - and more impregnable to change.
The job you have begun and progressed when you were President, Barak Obama, is not completed, and remains very susceptible to being changed or destroyed. It needs to be protected and nurtured.
You should not be abandoning it, now. You have work to do. Get on with it, and do not stand idly by. While Donald Trump and the Republicons ravage the country with impunity. There is a massive movement for progressive politics in the United States; Join and support the cause!
To hell with 'traditions' when they become major obstacles to progress and the achievement of a better life for people.
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