Wednesday, 14 June 2017


'The extent and quality of a country's 'democracy', is indicated by the the level of the electorate's participation in electing their government/rulers, and their government's responsiveness and effectiveness, in giving effect to the 'collective will of the people.'

We already know that, as far as the French Presidential elections are concerned, the people of France have decided upon the choice of Emmanuel Macron as their President. 

Macron was not given an overwhelming endorsement in the first round of the French Presidential Election. 

In fact, he accrued no more than just under 24 per cent, just over 2 per cent than Marine Le Penn. 

During the second round of the elections, faced with having to decide between Macron and Le Penn. The voting French electorate by a margin of 2-1, opted for youth, male, modernity and equalite, by choosing Emmanuel Macron to be their President. 

It was only to be expected that Macron would win, with those of the electorate who still had some faith in France's political system, falling for the 'newly rebranded Macron.'

And now, we have had the first round of the elections for the French National Assemblee, with less than 50 per cent of the electorate voting. 

Yes, a quite dismal situation, and one which is likely to result in President Macron, securing the kind of landslide electoral victory which had been the British Prime Minister, Theresa May's, dream. 

Until she woke up on the morning of 9th June, and found herself in the nightmarish 'Alice in Horrorland' situation. 

In which, instead of increasing the number of parliamentary seats she had before the election, she actually lost a dozen seats.  

Leaving her with the option of having to form a seriously, and probably mortally wounded government.  Instead of the powerful and unassailable one she had hoped to for. 

This, clearly, is not going to be the fate of President Macron Although, if he is not prudent, he, like Mrs May, could find himself arriving at the same destination, even though via a different route.

Instead, Macron's problem, and that of the French people, is that the electorate might give him too big a mandate to rule France. 

A mandate which he might make arrogance his chief advisor, and misuse.  

Probably by trying to, effectively make himself 'King or Emperor of France and its Overseas 'Colonies' or 'Departments.' 

To be continued.

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