'In making your evaluation of what is your present state of being. Do not overlook the need to also evaluate the state of others, which are impacting, will be impacted and/or likely to impact your current status. And of the rippling effects which changes in any of these subsystems could cause on the others, over time and space.'
Well, it could be anyone or all of those reasons. What is clear is that Islamic State continues to represent a significant, and, at least for now, increasing threat to people all over the world.
Even though it is still Muslims who are doing most of the dying, suffering most of the broken bodies, and having more of their livelihoods destroyed.
Alas, by or because of the murderous activities of the very people who 'claim that they are Muslims.'
With the impending fall of both its Mosul and Raqqa enclaves, in Iraq and Syria, respectively.
It is likely that Islamic state will have to do some rethinking and
re-strategising of how it continues its decadent war.
With the objective of wiping out the freedom of people to continue to use their intellect and express their freedom of thought and responsible action.
Without having to contend with the fallacy of Islamic State's god, and, and the violence and human vacuousness of Daesh's foot soldiers.
We can probably see some of this occurring, in the form of IS linked attacks in the Philippines city of Marawi.
This means that, although the 'grandstanding' of IS, which we have seen in Mosul, Kirkuk and Raqqa, will have abated, atleast for now.
Islamic State is likely to continue it attacks on humanity and the spirit of Enlightenment, for quite sometime to come.
Now is the time for the forces of Enlightenment to more frankly, honestly and accurately analyse how and why this catastrophe has befallen, in the first instance, the Muslim World, and, secondly, all people of the world?
It is clear that IS modus operandi, is to first target Muslims, and use the manipulation of the Quran as its preferred method of indoctrinating those of them who prove to be more vulnerable to its despotic doctrine.
It is targeting the impressionable young children and teenagers. It is targeting the poor and the unemployed. It is targeting the culturally and socially disaffected.
It is using money to entice them to its cause. It is using its supporters in Islamic religious schools to spread its message of intolerance other religions and of an enlightened and human-centred world.
To be continued.
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