Sunday, 4 June 2017


The leaders, foot soldiers and followers and supporters of Islamic State would have us believe that they are the chosen of Allah. 

That they are the only true believers, that, even as the Jewish people of old have claimed, that they, Muslims, are 'god's people'; chosen and protected by him/her. 

That they are blessed with the 'exceptionalism' of, just like how Islam claims that 'there is no god, but God. Muhammad is the  messenger of God', being the 'only true religion.'

The Islamic State's 'certaintly' about Islam, it seems, is unassailable, within their limited room for debate and analysis. 

How can any human argue with Islamic State, when it places itself outside the realm of 'reason', of 'rationality', of tolerance, of the humility and quest for deeper understanding of what had been, is and might be in the future?

And so it is that the Black Banner of Islamic State, is no more than an embodiment of the evil and darkness it represents. Not in the classical and colonial sense of 'black' representing 'bad', but of black representing an obstruction to light and to enlightenment.

The Islamic State's Black Flag, with its white lettering, declaring that "There is no god, but God. Muhammad is the  messenger of God", speaks of and signifies something else.

The black colouring of the Flag, signifies Islamic State's dark, oppressive and evil desires. 

It speaks of Islamic States' impenetrability to being impacted by the light of human reasoning, logic, humility and compassion. 

Its inability to evolve out of the state of darkness, fear and terror which has given rise to and sustain it, and become enlightened. 

The white lettering of the Shahada on the Black Flag, although declaring that 'there is no god but God. Muhammad is his messenger.' 

Could be perceived as the darkness of Islamic State's evil and inhumane doctrine, taking the 'light' prisoner' and containing and distorting it with its evil philosophy. 

Just as how it has, to some extent, at least, confused some Muslims into thinking it is not the evil and corrupting entity which it really is, and that it is 'doing Allah's will.' 

But, of course, the more prudent amongst us know that no human can know what is 'the will' and what is not the will of Allah. 

Not when, like all the other gods, Allah does not speak to humans, irrespective of what the clergy says and what people believe.

It would be too much, apparently, to enquire of Islamic State, why they see it as fitting for them to be spreading their version of Islam, by coercing free people to 'accept god's purported message, through the use of force and fear. 

Why it is necessary for them, Islamic State, to be their god's executioners. Why it is necessary for the message which Muhammad has purported brought from god, to, in the 21st Century, be delivered by homicidal bombers, slaughtering the innocent by detonating explosives on them. 

Or Islamic State's weaponised operatives, driving trucks, cars, lorries and vans into groups of innocent people, or using knives to kill and injure them.

Islamic State's intellectual deficit, it seems, does not allow them to consider that no sane human would want to accept 'a message' which is associated with the murderous and inhumane acts which have become the modus operandi of the organisation. 

Those who have never known what it is to be a relatively 'free individual', living in a 'relatively free society', will never freely give up their/our state of 'relative freedom', for the comparative hell which Islamic State is peddling.

Which is why all people, of all and no faiths, who value humanity and their freedom, have to work together to defeat Islamic State and all those who find favour with it.

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