Thursday, 8 June 2017


'The role and response of governments in the West, to the Saudi attack on Qatar, compared to their response to the Russian role in the Ukraine crisis.  

Speaks loudly of the West's duplicity and acceptance of the flaunting of international law and respect for national sovereignty.  

In the conduct of international relations and diplomacy, in countries and regions outside of Europe and white led governments around the world. 

The Saudis have bought the loyalty and support of the American, British and French governments, just as any feudal potentate might have done hundreds of years ago. 

Except that it is now the 21st Century, and the West says it is all about 'democracy', although it appears to be 'all about the money.'

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has, as has been its tendency, made a brutal attack on the government and people of Qatar. 

At this stage, this attack is limited to economic, travel and political sanctions, which, as with the Saudi attack on Yemen, is being brutally imposed.  

With the intention of the Saudis getting as speedily as possible, the outcome which they are demanding of Qatar's government and its people. 

Namely, for them to capitulate completely to Saudi domination, or be ruin you. 

The Saudis are not too concerned whether their concerted attack, with the support of their vassal states - the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain - as well as some Middle East and African countries which have been posturing as if they are independent countries. 

Such as Egypt, Jordan, part of Libya, the Maldives and Mauritania.

And all, it appears, because the decadent and anachronistic Saudi Monarchy is unwilling to tolerate a small independent nation on its border, exercising its right to an independent foreign policy. 

The ageing and feudal King Salman of Saudi Arabia, has, it seems, has decided that there is no place in 'his sphere of influence' for an independent thinker.  

In the form of the young and enlightened Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani.  

This attack on Qatar and its forward thinking policies, is also being waged with the intention of silencing the voice of Al Jazeera. The news network which has strong links with Qatar.  

And is a torn in the side of backward Middle East regimes, such as, yes, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.  

Because of its willingness to ask difficult questions, which these and other countries in the region would prefer not to be asked, or any answers given.

Saudi Arabia, it seems, want to extinguish the light which courageous countries such as Qatar, and news organisation such as Al Jazeera.  

Want to shine on the darkness of the Middle East, which the corrupt rulers are using to main their despotic rule. 

Because they know that, like knowledge, light and ignorance are also sources of power. 

With those having the light being able to see better, and those having the knowledge, being able to better understand their situation. 

While those who exist in ignorance, being exposed to exploitation by others with the knowledge. 

By denying  ordinary people in the Middle East knowledge of an alternative way of living, their rulers limit their motivation and imagination. At the same time, the filthy rich elites travel to West flaunt their wealth and indulge their hedonistic tendencies.

This attack on Qatar is another example of how brutal and lacking in compassion Saudi Arabia can be. 

Of how clearly unfit it is to be the 'guardian' of the holiest symbol of Muhammad's heritage, the Kaaba. 

What would Muhammad have made of King Salmon's merciless siege on his neighbour? 

Yes, Muhammad might have done the same thing, because he lived in the age of Feudalism, which is still the the time period which King Salmon and his Monarchy is maintaining.

It helps to explain the corrupt and machiavellian politics of the Saudi Kingdom. 

It using its wealth to buy the loyalty of the poor as well as the rich, and of the political and religious groups which are willing to do its bidding.  

As well as the governments of 'democratic' , western, 'Christian' countries such as America, Britain and France.

If the 'great' United States of America, can be bought by the Saudis, then what chance have poor and weak and corrupt countries such as Jordan, Egypt, the Maldives, Mauritania and others have?

With over 11,000  American service personnel based in Qatar, let us hope that the Americans.  Whose President has initially sided with America's Saudi and Sunni allies, in their act of war against Qatar, do not use this crisis as a pretext to surreptitiously bring about the downfall of Qatar's government.

After all, Saudi Arabia's policies in the Middle East, like those of the Americans, over the past 50 or more years.  

Have not made the region either more prosperous or more 'democratic.' As you would probably expect of a regressive government. 

They have only helped the Saudi Kingdom, and corrupt regimes such as those in Egypt, Jordan and Bahrain, to survive.  At the cost great cost to the people of the region. In terms of repression of progressive movements, religious and sectarian conflicts and wars. 

Just as how King Salmon has repressed the Saudis, so he wants to repress the Qataris, and any other nation in the region which he can bully; with the support of his western allies; the Americans, British and French.

I wish the Emir of Qatar success in his this battle, which has been forced upon him by the bullying Saudis.

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