Consider this: How do you measure you value, your worth, in this, your only life?
Is your sense of value and worth, determined by your sense of attachments?
The people to whom you feel attached to, probably your parents, your siblings, extended families, friends, neighbours?
Probably your are religious, and your sense of worth has become inextricably linked to your feelings of conviction to your religion and your religious brethren?
Or, probably you come from a particular tribe or ethnic group, in a patriarchal or traditionalist society, and your sense of worth is based on your tribal or ethnic affiliations?
It might even be the case that your sense of worth is predicated on your relative or comparative wealth?
How many camels, or cows, or goats, or water buffalo you own? Or the size of your house, the cost of your car, how many shares you own, or how many acres of land?
It might even be dependent on your occupation. For example, if you are a Priest, Rabbi or Imam, you might assess your value on your presumed or assumed closeness to god.
And on the number of the 'faithful' who must or might have to come through you, in order to access god.
And what if you are a doctor, a police officer, nurse or politician?
Yes, if you are one of these, or belong to a similar profession, then you might assess your value, your worth, in terms of your 'professional power' to impact people's lives, for good or for ill.
And what is the point of all of this, you might be asking? Just this.
That, at the end of the day, it is better that we should attach our sense of value, of worth, primarily on our positive principles, than those things which are external to us.
Because, to place too much value on those things, especially things, as opposed to people, we do become self-alienated, having imbued these external repositories parts of our essence.
Thereby risk losing essential parts of our sense of being, if we were to lose them.
Something which is worthy of reflection, as we watch millions of people having all or alot of their worldly possession being destroyed by rain and flooding in various part of the world.
From North and South America to Africa and Asia.
It is like it is said: what does it profit a person to gain the world or riches, if it is at the cost of losing your soul?
It is better that us humans invest in our enlightenment and happiness, and make that the primary source of how we value our worth, than in any austere ideologies, and material things which can and are so easily destroyed, in a flood, a drought, earthquake or landslide.
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