The real issue is not the nature of the challenges, as they are largely common to all those who are facing them.
What is of crucial importance, is the mindset and perspectives of the governments and political, social, and community leaders and activists. Who are required to lead their people into appropriately and effectively addressing these challenges.
It is the difference between taking a myopic, nationalistic perspective, and pursuing a policy of 'let us pull up the draw-bridges, and strengthening the border walls and 'keep them out.'
And of taking a more holistic, compassionate and, in the longer term, insightful approach of, 'let us take a more globalist approach, as this is not a challenge which is going to 'go away, if we ignore it', or one which can be properly addressed by 'a go it alone strategy.'
In the end, it probably is really our fear, which presents us with our biggest challenge. As it is fear which can, and so often leads us to making the ill-considered and rash decisions, which can lead to catastrophic results.
The best passion is that which motivates and incentivises humans to work collectively for the greater good of all humans.
Not the selfish and nationalistic passion which speaks of and is willing to sacrifice even the survival of others, for the purported 'good of the Fatherland or the Motherland.'
Or in an attempt to maintain the 'purity' of this or that ethnic, 'racial', religious or national group.
So far Angela Merkel, I believe, is doing a commendable job in taking the broader approach, and, her and her coalition being returned to power this month, would give both Germany and the world, that added bit of stability which is so much in demand.
Yes, Germans should fight against the on-going global electoral epidemic of political alienation, and go out and vote for Angela Merkel.
Germany's electorate, her populace, like those of other countries, are aspiring for both common and differential goals, all of which are not attainable. At least, not simultaneously.
With the new kid, Emmanuel Macron arriving on the bloc and wanting to become the new Emperor of Europe.
Germany, Europe and the world need the benefit of Merkel's prudence and steady hands, to help them to manage the challenges which are currently confronting them.
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