Thursday, 21 September 2017


Jihadi.: Lord! I would not say that I love killing per se, but I was prepared to do what was necessary to help to create an 'Islamic Califate.' I was prepared to kill and/or be killed, in your service, Lord!

Allah.: Mm, is that so, or, in your case, Jihadi. Was that really so? You were killing and destroying because you wanted to serve me? Tell me, Jihadi! Do you really think that I need an Islamic Caliphate? Of what good would it be to me?

Jihadi.: Well, Lord. In an Islamic Caliphate, all the people would be in submission to you. They would all recognise that you are 'great' and worship only you.

Allah.: Are you sure of that, Jihadi? Are you sure that in such a state, the people would not be submitting to the will of its leaders. The will of those who set themselves up as Imams in such a state?

Jihadi.: Well, Lord. The Imams seek to serve only you. And ...

Allah.: Never mind all that, Jihadi. All the priests, the Imams, all the clergy know only too well that, in claiming to be doing this and that in my name, they can appear to have some legitimacy. They all postulate that that, in serving them, the faithful will also be serving me.

What makes you think I need an Islamic Caliphate, Jihadi? Considering that I have been getting by without one for all these millenniums or since time began? 

I did not instruct anybody to create an Islamic Caliphate, Jihadi? 

So the cause for which you have killed, destroyed and, now died, is not mine. It is not something I need. 

An 'Islamic Caliphate' speaks of a human rule, who seeks to inherit the mantle of Prophet Mohammed. 

To me, Jihadi, such a Caliph would have no legitimacy. No virtue, and nothing to redeem him/her of the crimes their armies have perpetrated and are perpetrating on the innocents. On my people.

To be continued.

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