Saturday, 23 September 2017


More consideration should be given to the need to 'rehabilitate' offenders. 

To stop them from offending. Which means that, when the criminal justice system of any society resorts to incarcerating convicted offenders for  X number of years.  Despite the fact that they are unlikely to offend again. 

The primary consideration can only be that of 'punishing and taking revenge' on the offender, for the offences which they have already committed, or have been convicted of committing. 

'Retributive justice', is seems, is what much of our criminal justice systems are founded upon.

Which are not necessarily one and the same thing.

Beyond the argument that, by incarcerating offenders, society relieves itself from having to suffer further wrong-doing at the hands and/or instigation of the convicted persons. 

And knowing that they are being deprived of the freedom to walk freely as free people on the earth, and enjoy similar freedoms to those which are open to other members of society. 

There is probably very little, therefore, to commend the principle and practice of incarceration as an enlightened method of dealing with 'crime, punishment and justice in the 21ST Century. 

It speaks volumes of about the art of 'punishment and revenge', but much less of 'justice' and 'enlightenment.'

In this respect, it might seem rather paradoxical, to argue that, our 'modern day' criminal justice system could benefit from having some infusion of ancient or 'traditional' justice into it. 

For example, to have the victim/s of crimes, being guided by some 'legal parameters, helping the court to decide on how the case should be decided. 

Whether it should result in imprisonment, and for how long, or whether it should be decided by financial restitution or compensation.  Or by doing some useful activities which could benefit the victim and/or society, or a combination of all of those, or some other options.

Whatever ones perspective is, it is difficult to argue in favour of any merits of current criminal justice systems. 

Especially as they are operated in, say, in Europe and North and South America, et al, and are based primarily on principles of retribution, revenge and punishment. 

To be continued.

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