We might be the product of our environments, such as our ethnic, cultural, religious and geographic location on the earth's surface.
But we must rise above their physical limitations. We need to think in the language of the future, and dream in the imagery of the future reality which we aspire to bring about; to realise.
The establishment of new nations based on uni-ethnic or primarily uni-ethnic and religious demographics represents a return to the past.
A past which, as it recedes further into the distance, might appear to be more appealing than it ever was.
Even if the Kurdish populated areas of Iraq were to become independent, the newly independent Kurds would still be confronted with much of the problems which most of the people of the world are having to face.
Problems of corrupt politicians, problems between the elites and the masses, problems associated with getting a job, being able to house and feed your family.
It would also remove, to some extent, the convenient and real and perceived external 'enemies', the Arabs, and others, and create the conditions for Kurds to find other reasons to disagree among themselves.
Because, this is the way of humans.
The most fitting premise on which to form a nation, is, arguably, the basis of the essential humanity and equality of all the peoples of the country.
On what we perceive and nurture as the differences between peoples. What we use to highlight how 'different' we are, and, too often, ipso facto', why 'we are better than 'them', and 'they are not like us.'
Yes, let us encourage inclusivism, integration and assimilation more, and eschew ethnic, religious and cultural exceptionalism.
Because, therein probably lies a better future. We are, after all, despite our external differences and our differential cultures and beliefs, still one human race, inhabiting the same planet Earth, and have the same destiny.
It just makes good sense to gradually dismantle the differential cultural and religious walls between people, and to evolve, develop into ones which are shared more.
And that is part of the reason why I find it difficult empathise with the idea, the practice of ethnic and cultural separatism.
Including as it applies to those Kurds who are advocating for, as it were, a sovereign country for Kurds who want to live in such a country.
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