A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
There is also a certain paradox here, as, no sooner will the Korean crisis be alleviated or resolved.
Than the American Congress will be returning to targeting Russia, China, Syria, Iran and other countries with sanctions and hell-fire.
Is it any wonder, therefore, that, while countries such as Russia and China will pursue realpolitick, upto a point, in order to protect their own self interests.
They will most probably also try to manipulate the mode of its resolution or alleviation, to try to delay them again becoming the primary targets of the Americans.
The American Regime, regardless of whether it is a Republicon or Democrat administration, is primarily a predatorial one.
So, although it tends to isolate its prey, by threatening any other country or individual which is helping or would help those which it is targeting, there is a certain logic in them sticking together.
And not succumbing to the 'divide and destroy and rule' strategy of the Americans.
America's allies, whether they are longstanding ones like the British and the French, or convenient ones, can be forgiven if they, even periodically, get the uncanny feeling that they might become its next prey.
Should they fail to toe her line and serve what she believes to be in her interest.
I have not changes my position that the Korean/American crisis should be resolved through negotiations.
Similar to the resolution of the Iranian Nuclear Agreement, with the Americans and the North Koreans being parties to it.
Whether or not it will happen, we will have to see, as American governments would appear to have a preference for 'gunboat diplomacy.'
Rather than to sit at a table with their real and imagined enemies or regimes which they are in disagreement with, and discuss and negotiate peaceful outcomes.
America does not have to go to war with North Korea, although war will take place. If America continues to display brinkmanship in its attempt to 'frighten' Kim Jung-un's regime.
Into not continuing to disrespect it and not treat it with the deference, the 'exceptionalism' to which it has become accustomed.
In another age, North Korea's open disregard for America's might, would probably have been seen by many as very refreshing and even principled.
Her putting up the proverbial two fingers to the world's number one bully. But the world is now in such a calamitous state of affairs, that it would be wrong to adopt or encourage anymore belligerence.
Well, Donald, if you really want to redeem yourself, you and/or your Sercretary of State, Rex Tillerson, could consider meeting up with Kim Jung-un to negotiate a peace agreement.
The problem is that, if Kim were to snub you, your Administration might not be able to survive it, even if you completing your 4 year tenure is still uncertain.
Of course, if you were be able to reach an acceptable agreement with the North Koreans, you that could go some way to help you to stake a claim on another 4 year term. If you were to be daft enough to campaign for it.
It would be very helpful if the Americans were to respectfully and cordially seek the support of Russia and China, in helping them to negotiate with North Korea, instead of threatening them if they do not back the American strategy, however inept it is.
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