Thursday, 14 September 2017


This, we can achieve by ensuring that, not only do we feed and water our bodies, but that we indulge them in regular and manageably strenuous exercised. 

That we get our bodies, through exercises, to work diligently at maximising their renewal. 

The cells to become enervated, recharged, and work at their optimum levels in generating the positive energies.  

Which circulate through our bodies, and enable body, mind and intellect to, not only become one, but also to dispel discordance and achieve optimum symmetry.

This we can do, at whatever age, and, to a greater or lesser degree, despite some disabilities.

Probably our biggest challenge is the need to get to the point, where we are not ruled or led by our olfactory and sweet and salty taste buds, into becoming unhealthy and even destructive eaters. 

More control over the quality and quantity of the foods and drinks we put, and even dump into our bodies.  Will go a long way into helping us to achieve and maintain healthy bodies. 

It is vital that our intellect remains in control of  the 'Pavlovian dog' instincts  within us. 

Putting less excess and/or unhealthy foods and drinks into our bodies, will mean that there is less damage to be repaired. 

But even more than that, it will mean that we avoid the challenge of having to repair the damage, whether that be to our organs, physique and/or social and physical functioning. 

It could mean that we do not have to exercise to the extent where it becomes a chore. Poor body image is reflected in poor self-image, which reinforces, though not necessarily so, behaviours which gave rise to the poor body image.

This, however, is not  just about people becoming obese and otherwise unhealthy because of their indulgences in excessive foods and drinks. 

Slim people can be unfit and unhealthy. So, it is essential that we all indulge in some exercise each day, as part of our normal, regular diet. 

This exercise needs to be sufficiently challenging to our body system, that it heightens our breathing, our pulse and heart rates. It is necessary for us to force that oxygen and blood to circulate and aerate all parts of our internal system. 

At the end of which we should feel an enhanced state of vigour. As David Cavan has advised, in his books on Type 2 diabetes, having an exercise regime does not have to be about employing a personal trainer. 

Many of the daily activities which many or most of us undertake, can be organised into such a way that they provide us with the enjoyable exercise we need. 

It would probably be of great benefit to us humans, if we were to adopt the approach that,  'we eat primarily to provide our bodies with the essential sustenance and energy they need to achieve and maintain good health and functionality. And that, secondly, regular, appropriate exercising is an essential part of this regime.' 

Regular and sufficiently strenuous exercising cannot always undo the damage which unhealthy life-styles afflict us with, but not doing it can compound the damage. 

Take control of your body and nurture it into becoming the body, healthy and well-functioning body, which most, if not all humans desire. And avoid having to 'accept' and 'defend' the unhealthy body you might have unintentionally developed.'

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