Considering the equivocations and protestations of Odinga, Keyna's Opposition Party's leader, following the outcome of the recent Presidential elections, the question which some people will be asking.
Is that of why did he not just resort to taking the dispute to court, instead of reacting in a manner which could have fuelled destructive strife in Kenya?
Why, indeed, considering the shocking, joyous - depending on whether you support Odinga or the government of President Uhuru Kenyatta - and unprecedented decision of Kenya's Supreme Court to overturn the election result?
Yes, this is a first for an African country which is clearly making progress in its application of good or improving governance.
With the country having gone to the people to make a decision on which political party and leader should take charge of it, and the people having spoken, Kenya had acted commendably.
The surprising problem now, is that, according to the court, Odinga's charges of electoral irregularities have, it seems, been proven.
Leaving people to wonder who were the responsible culprits.
As well as the asking themselves this question: How is it that the independent electoral observers came to the conclusion that the the elections were held in a fair and open manner, when the court has, it now seems, found that significant irregularities did occur?
So much so that the Court found that the situation warranted the elections being repeated?
This does not augurs well for either Kenya's Election Commission, the American and European Union monitors, or for the African Union monitors.
They are also in an unprecedented position, since, henceforth, them attesting to the fairness and openness of any other elections, cannot be seen as beyond questioning.
It clearly is not enough for independent elections monitors and observers to declare that an election or elections have been conducted fairly and that the winners have in fact won.
To be continued.
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