Saturday, 2 September 2017


One could be forgiven for thinking that the world is getting more fucked up; more out of control, with tool little emphasis being given to achieving and maintaining peaceful coexistence between nations. 

The big countries are not pulling together and giving a good lead to the smaller and less powerful ones. 

Instead, they have a tendency to manipulate the relationships between the smaller and less powerful ones, with a view to using them to achieve their own self and/or selfish interests. 

With any improvements in the greater or common good between nations, being incident, rather than being the primary objective.

We can see this motivation being demonstrably at work in the responses of the Russians, Americans, Europeans, Saudi Arabians, Turks, Iranians and others to the escalation of the brutal war in Syria, in Yemen.  

And, to a lesser but probably even more significant extent, the war between the Ukrainian government and the separatists in eastern Ukraine.

I say probably even more significant in Ukraine, because it is the Ukraine crisis which is probably largely responsible for the appalling and still escalating crisis in Russo-American diplomatic 

However ironic it might seem, that it is President Donald Trump, who was believed to be going to be 'Russia's man in the White House', who is now in the invidious position.  

Along with the Russian government, of being the President who is going to have to officiate over probably the worse period of dangerous and chaotic relations between their two countries, since probably the dissolution of the Soviet Union. 

How ironic indeed, that what had been projected by the media, and might well have been encouraged by the Russians, should have transpired to be so different from what was believed to have been intended?

Well, of course many of us will hope that it will not continue along this perilous path, but the signs are not looking good. 

It began with the Ukraine, even before the present Ukrainian government, with the Nato countries meddling in the country and trying to recruit it into Nato. 

Then we have the Ukrainian border conflict, with the Russians becoming involved, in their attempts to use realpolitik to protect their backyard, as it were, and the outright conflict between them and the Ukrainian government and nationalists. 

The European Union and Nato responded by slapping economic and political sanctions onto the Russians.  

While consistently but unconvincingly proclaiming that their encroachment onto the Russian borders is innocent and should not be seen as an expansion of and threat from Nato.

To be continued.

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