Sunday, 15 October 2017


T.: Mmmm. You know, G.! I have to smile, because, I do agree with you. It really is like that. Some humans will always believe in you and that they have a need for you. 

They need a 'father figure'. Some one to come to and converse with, plead with, in times of great distress. 

At times when they are desperate and know only too well that their fellow humans are not upto the challenge or willing to help  them. At such times, it is probably understandable that they should take refuge in their belief in you. 

That they should hold to the belief that you are there. That you will help them; eventually. It is a belief they believe they need, to sustain them in their, at times, unbearable realities.

G.: Anything more, to say, T?

T.: Mmmm. Well, now, G.! There is a lot more that I could say, but there is still time for me or others to say it. After all, our conversation is really an imaginary.  

As I do not believe that you exist, and, if you exist, you have, for whatever reason, chosen, it seems, not to engage in transparent communication with humans.

Truth to tell, G.! I do not mind people creating and praying to their gods. That is a sign of the creativity and the aspirational inclination which drives our continuing enlightment and evolution. 

What would be most helpful, is if humans were to stick to having friendly, happy and compassionate gods.  With whom they could converse and interact amicably, and without the need for any interpretors and/or middlemen. 

No mysteries, rituals, deceptions or myths.  But a honest acknowledgement of the fact that our gods are our own creations, and that we are the purveyors of all that we derive from them. 

That they are, as they have always being.  Since we first created them, in the hope that they would help us to better understand, and feel safer in the world.  

A seemingly indispensable, valuable, integral and universal aspect of our human culture. You are now within us and is us, G, as we are within you and are you. Inseparable.

G.: I see nothing wrong with that, T.! Truth to tell, if I had anything to do with it, I might also have wished or made it to be so.

T.: Thank you, G.! Even though I remain a non-believer, in the sense of how many humans believe in you as a sentient being.

G.: You are welcome, T, until we converse again!

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