T.: Ah, G. Much as it pains me, I am only too aware that it is one thing to argue against the the irrelevance of god in the world or 21st Century humans.
But that it is quite another thing to expect that humans will turn their backs on you for many centuries to come.
Because, whether they/we know it or and are ready to admit it, we have internalised god.
We are god, and have come to credit our perceptions, our personification of what and who you are. We have made you into being the source of all that is good and desirable.
We have deified the 'good' which is within and without us, into the embodiment of 'god.'
This is the 'reinforcement' of the faith and belief which the faithful have in you. And, while there are humans, there will always be more than enough evil in the world, to 'convince' humans of the need for having a god.
G.: Yes, I can see how you have come to that conclusion, T. Which is really an inescapable one.
After all, belief in me have now become a conditioned or shaped response of humans to their environment.
You could saw it is in humans' genes. Your ancestors, you would probably argue, T, have conceptualised and created me.
To defend them from the things they feared, including their fear of the unknown.
With contemporary humans' great advances in the sciences and their study of the physical and metaphysical world, T. It is difficult to see how their belief in and need for god, for me, can ever be based on anything rational.
T.: Yes, G. I can see that. As you have noted, humans' belief and need for you, or any other gods, has to be a left over from our primordial stage of evolution, an artefact of the past.
Something we still feel a need to have, or to convince ourselves that we need it, even when there is much around us to disprove that that is really the case.
That might really be the crux of the matter, G. The fact that humans feel that they/we, have a need for you, while on the the thinking level, that 'feeling' is not borne out. Unless humans were to deceive themselves into thinking so.
G.: So, T. There you have it. Humans will always believe that they need me, and they will always bow down and worship and give thanks to me.
Whether or not I exist, because, in their minds, I do exist. Of this they have convinced themselves. Even if, as you might think, probably rightly so, that it is all a matter of deception and self-deception.
So, T. What now?
To be continued.
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