Wednesday, 11 October 2017


Therapist.: It would affect you as severely as that, eh, Usa? You would feel unwholesome. 

Like Samson without his hair? Like David without his slingshot? Like Jason without the Golden Fleece? In fact, Usa, you would be quite a mess. 

And therein lies you dilemma, Usa. Because, are you not now a mess, even with all of your guns? Is that not the reason why you have really sought therapy?

Usa.: Well, kind of. But I really think that I will get over it, as I always do. 

You know, it is kind of how it is, that when something happens we become concerned, worried, but, as time passes, you get over it, and it is not a problem anymore. 

You just continue as you have been doing up until it happens; until the next time.

Therapist.: Is that really it, Usa? That you are only going through the motions of being concerned? 

Of wanting to do something effective, when, in fact, you are not really bothered at all, because you have already decided that you do not want any change.

Usa.: Yes, I guess that, if I am to be honest with you, that is about the extent of it.

Theapist.: Right, Usa. So, your problem is not really that you continue to harm and hurt yourself. 

It is really about a public relations problem. That of how do you deal with the increasing controversy which is caused by outrages such as Las Vegas 10/17. 

Not to mention previous outrages such as 6/16 Orlando shootings when 49 people were killed. California 12/15, when 14 people were killed. Oregan 10/15, when 9 people were killed. South Carolina 06/15, when 9 were killed. etc, etc.

Usa.: Well, to be honest, that is really the problem which I am concerned about, as giving up my guns is not really an option for me. 

That would be like giving up a part of myself. I would have to learn a new way of thinking and doing things, which I am really not prepared to do. 

Not now, at any rate. Probably when I get to heaven, I might not need them. I am just saying, but I really do not know, as spending eternity without my guns would just sucks.

To be continued.

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