Monday, 16 October 2017


Therapist.: So, Usa. Until then, what are you going to do about all the innocent people you keep on killing, Usa? 

Are you going to be satisfied with your wailing, rationalisations and prayers at each outrage? 

Are you not concerned that, after awhile, others will get fedup with you ignoring the need to do anything effective about your persistent self-harming? 

That they will stop hearing you and offering you any sympathy after each outrage.

Usa.: Well, yes, they might, but that could also be a good thing, because it would remove some of the external pressure on me to do anything effective.

Therapist.: Are you saying that you are only giving the appearance of taking it serious, Usa, when, in fact, you really do not give  a damn, and expect Americans to 'get over it'?

Usa.: Well, kind of. I mean, it is nothing new, man. As I told you, we have been shooting each other to death for at least a couple of hundreds of years now. 

And there are still over 300 million Americans living in the country today. You simply cannot kill all that many Americans with guns.

Therapist.: So, Usa, that sounds dangerously like you are saying it is no big deal if Americans continue to kill one another, because there is ...

Usa.: Look, man, it might sound that way, but I am not sure that that is what I mean. 

For sure, no American is going to be able to kill all of us. It is just that, well, we Americans almost have a sacred right to bear arms. 

To have and keep our guns. I mean, how else are we go defend ourselves against our Government?

Therapist.: So, Usa. Is that the main reason for you to have guns; to defend yourself against your own government? 

If so, what is it that you need to defend yourself from? Are you afraid that your own government will attack you?

To be continued.

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