Usa.: Well, you never know, with governments, which is why we, as Americans, owe our loyalty to the Flag and our National Anthem, and not to our government.
I am not sure that I know why we do not trust our government, but we dont, and we have to have the weapons to defend ourselves from the government, if necessary.
Therapist.: But how can that really be, Usa: How are individual Americans with guns going to defend themselves from the American government?
When was the last time Americans used guns to defend yourself from your government, from yourselves?
After all, who are the people who form the government; is it not fellow Americans?
Is this a situation of 'the enemy within', with the government not trusting the people and the people not trusting the government?
Usa.: Mmmm, it sounds funny when you put it like that. Like, well, kind of confusing. Like, what the hell are we, America and Americans all about?
Therapist.: What do you mean, Usa? Do you mean that it sounds as if ordinary Americans are not living on the same page as their government, and the government is not operating on the same page as them?
Usa.: Well, yes. I mean, we are supposed to be one people, forming a great nation, and our government is supposed to be serving us, so, it just seems kind of crazy, when you think of it ..
Therapist.: Think of what, Usa?
Usa.: You know. why ordinary Americans should need arms to protect themselves from their government.
I mean, if the government is there to serve us, which should include them protecting and not attacking or posing a threat to us, then why..
Usa.: Well, yes, as I said, it seems kind of confusing, if not down right illogical, when you look at it logically. Unless..
Therapist.: Unless what, Usa? Unless there is more to it that appears to be the case; it is more complicated that it has been presented?
Usa.: Well, if you think of it, really think of it, there has to be more to it.
I mean, it would only make sense if the government is lying that part of its role is to protect us, the ordinary American people.
To be continued.
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