Thursday, 5 October 2017


Let us put aside, for awhile, all the handwringing, and all the platitudes about how Americans come together.  As one people, when an avoidable tragedy such as this happens.  

To help the families of the dead, the dying and the injured, and show how much they are one family. 

Even though it is a family which needs millions of guns to defend itself from other family members. 

Yes, let us suspend the sorrow and try to look objectively at what has been and is happening. 

After all,  as I have noted, when a child or adult keeps harming him/herself, it is an indication of a serious problem.  And not one which can be dealt appropriately, with by simply repeatedly reassuring them, until the next time. 

It requires something more profound to address it appropriately.

Therapist.: Mmmm. Morning - I will leave out the 'good' - considering the occasion.Who are you, and how can I help you?

U.S.A.: I am the United States of America.

Therapist.: You are having me on, right? Are you serious that you are really the United States of America? That great country, which is now trying to be 'great again'?

U.S.A.: Yeah, that is who I am, righ!?

Therapist.: Are you sure, you do not sound very convinced that that is really who you are?

U.S.A.: Yes, I am sure, I am certain that I am who I say I am; the United States of America!

Therapist.: Fine, that is fine, U.S.A. Do you mind if I call you Usa?

U.S.A.: No, not at all; that will be fine with me.

Therapist.: So, Usa, why have you come to see me?

Usa.: Well, it is this problem I have. It is kind of a problem, although I am not really certain that it is. You see, I keep hurting, no, harming myself.

Therapist.: What do you, Usa, when you say you are not sure if it is a problem? Is it a problem or not, and, if it is, who is it a problem for?

Usa.: Well, I imagine that that is the problem. You see, it has been going on for a long time, and, well, I still get by.

Therapist.: Mmm, so it is kind of a problem and it is not. That sounds very ambivalent, Usa. And, I imagine that your difficulty in deciding whether or not it is really a problem, is impacting on what, if anything, you do about it?

Usa.: Yeah, it is kind of like that. When I hurt myself, I feel that I should be seen to be doing something about it. You know, take it seriously and all that.

Therapist.: So, Usa. If it was upto you, you would or might not do anything about it. But when you hurt yourself, you feel that other people, countries, if you like, are watching you and judging you?

Usa.: Yes, deep down, that is how I really feel. That I should be ashamed of myself for persistently harming, hurting myself, and not doing anything to stop it. I mean...

To be continued.

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