Monday, 9 October 2017


Therapist.: I can detect a marked elevation in level of animation, Usa! Are you feeling excited while you are talking about guns? Can I test your pulse and blood pressure?

Usa.: Sure you can, be my guest, man.

Therapist.: Yes, Usa. My suspicion is correct. There is a marked level of elevation in your pulse rate, blood pressure and your heart beat.

Do guns and talking about guns always have this kind of effect on you, Usa?

Usa.: Guns have this effect on everybody, man; why wouldn't it? Guns is power, man, and using them makes you feel powerful!

Therapist.: So, Usa, do you love guns, and do you like using and firing guns?

Usa.: Do I like guns and like using them? What kind of question is that, man? I am America, and Americans love guns. Sure I like using them. 

My Constitution has given me the right to own and use guns. My laws make it legal to do so, so why wouldn't I like to use them?

Therapist.: Do you not think that the fact that you use them to harm and hurt yourself is sufficient reason to be wary of guns and of using them, Usa?

Usa.: Well, I can see where you are coming from, but it is not that easy. Look, man, in addition to the guns that my armed forces have, I own over 300 million guns. 

That is a lot of guns, and, when you have so many guns and your laws and Constitution make it lawful to do so, you kind of have to learn to like or love guns.

Therapist.: But, there is the reason why you are sitting on the couch in front of a Therapist. The fact that you keep hurting and harming yourself.

Usa.: I know that, man. But, it is like I already said, I am made to feel that I should be doing something about that problem; if it is really a problem.

Therapist.: So, Usa. How long have you been having this problem. When did it began?

Usa.: Well, man, you could say it goes way back. Back to my War of Independence, in 1775-83, when I rebelled against my dad, the then Great Britain. 

And then, there was my Civil War, in 1860-64, when I indulged in a great slaughtering of my people.

Therapist.: So, Usa, the gun has played a crucial role in your birth and development. I guess you could say you are, as it were, a 'literal son of a gun'?

Usa.: Quite. Yes, you could say that. That having and using a gun is as me, as American as apple pie. 

It is a big part of my psyche, my identity and my perception of myself as America. If you were to take away my gun, I would feel naked. 

Like I am physically, mentally and psychologically disabled; crippled, even.

To be continued.

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