Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Finally, going back to the mother of British Jihadi, the young white man whose misfortune it was to join a band of evil-doers. 
A very unlike 'Lawrence of Arabia' figure. 

Of course his mother was right to feel a great sense of shame that her son, whom she had given birth, watched growing up from a baby to a toddler.  

Then to a a young and carefree boy to a teenager and young man, should have turned himself against life and embrace killing and death. 

It was only natural that she should have felt sorrow, regret and relief at his death. 

To have the certainty that he would not be able to do anymore harm to innocent people, in his alliance with those who are addicted to killing, oppression and destruction. 

But what of the British Jihadi's wife? The woman who could or would not comprehend or appreciate why the young man's mother's feelings terrible sorrow, grief and turmoil? 

Indicating, instead, that she should have been feeling proud and happy at his so-called martyrdom. 

That she should have been thanking Allah, and proclaiming how great Allah is.  And that Allah would, as perversely as even the very thought of it is, be rewarding her son for the evil he has perpetrated on the innocents. 

Is this not a glaring epitomisation of the stark differences between the worlds of ordinary and sane humans, and that of the evil and delusional one, which the foot soldiers and advocates of those who want to build an 'Islamic State'? 

The difference between the world of the living and of the dead?

The difference between the different worlds into which the delusional British Jihadis, and their unfortunate foreign born Muslim wives are born into? 

With the latter coming from a tradition and culture where she is given little or no choice over the route of her fate. 

Whereas, the former, who having been born in the West, have a choice.

But proving themselves to be either too weak and/or too fearful of taking personal responsibility for their life paths, to choose life, instead of remaining prisoners to the oppression of their version of their faiths?

So, yes, I was initially set to condemn the wife of the British Jihadi without any reservation. 

But, I believe that it would be wrong to do so, as her circumstances, the fact that she might have had so little choice, especially being a woman, and brought up in  an unenlightened Islamic country. 

Unlike some young Muslims born in western liberal 'democracies', of parents whose religious and cultural link with their Islamic countries of origin.  

Are still too strong, to allow them to embrace the opportunities and freedoms the West offers them. 

They are still not sufficiently ready to free themselves of their irrational fear of god, religious dogmas, and traditional loyalties. And to commit themselves more to living happily on the earth, and not infringing the rights of others to do so. Instead of trying to make the world into a Sunni Islamic hell.

What do you think?

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