Friday, 27 October 2017


We left about mid-morning to travel the 112 or so kilometres to the  visit my friend's elderly relative, making better than usual progress along the mainly A roads and motorway. 

Arriving earlier than expected, we decided to call in to see my friend's also elderly friend. 

Who also happened to be in a nursing home, apparently due to the difficulties in meeting her complex care and medical needs. 

My friend has known this lady for many decades, having been treated by her and her now departed partner as if she was a member of their family, as well as being a best friend of their daughter.

As we entered the nursing home, reported to and made enquiries at reception, we secured the assistance of a member of staff.  

Who made her way, with us trailing behind her, to one of the dining/lounge areas in the large ground floor of what was a large care home complex. 

As we approached the area, my friend was the first to spot her friend, whom she greeted, and was herself greeted by her friend. 

Her friend also greeted me, whom she has, by now, also known for a number of decades, although not for as many as she has know my friend. 

My friend's friend was sitting in a leather reclining armchair. She was to the right of a group of about 5 other residents and staff, all sitting around a dining table.  

Which was situated about 2 yards in front of my friend's friend, with the dining table overlooking part of the back garden of this part of the complex. Beyond which was more land designated for the building of more care units.

My friend's friend, who, for convenience, I will now refer to as our friend, has, for probably about a year now, has been showing signs of possibly early on-set of dementia. 

The progression of which is now becoming markedly more noticeably. 

Consequently, as I approached her, she impatiently asked me to get her out of her armchair, which she needs to help her to recover from the oedema she has developed her both feet. 

Causing them to become very swollen and and impairing his mobility.

To be continued.

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