All of which, if we are to go by the perception, by the repeated actions of her Foreign Minister, and by the rumours, is really not the case.
Prime Minister May's current state of health has, unfortunately, let her down during her speech at the Conference.
She had doubtlessly intended for her speech to be an unequivocal expression, assertion even, of her command of authority in the Conservative Party. And as Britain's Prime Minister, leading from the front and commanding the authority of all of her troops.
And yet, that was not how it came over, because, although the conference gave her a standing ovation, it is difficult to know, to what extent it was an expression of their sympathy towards her and her predicament.
To what extent her symptoms were indications of the immense stress she is experiencing, as she battles for her political survival.
Whether it is an expression of her audience's prescience that Prime Minister May will not continue in her current role for much longer.
It is said that the gods drive mad those whom they intend to destroy.
But, in politics, especially party politics, it is ones own party and the media manipulators, the so-called public opinion formers and influencers, who conspire to demonise, rubbish and destroy you.
Irrespective of how genuine and above reproach you might have been.
Well, of course, there is the precedent of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Tories nemesis, the British Labour Party, who has so far held off the attempts of the media and the opposition to destroy him.
In the past, the Labour Party had rebranded itself a number of times, from Labour to New Labour.
And now we are seeing what seems to be 'a New remodelled Jeremy Corbyn.
So, might Theresa May also be able to hold her detractors and political assassins at bay, and remain the leader of her party and the government for a few more years?
She could, but, will she be allowed to do?
We have had the precedent of Britain's first female Prime Minister, the now deceased Margaret Thatcher, who had succumb to the brutal putsch of her Brutusian male colleagues.
Like MT, TM is a tough politician, who has, in the past, display evidence of her toughness.
Even though her diffidence towards her suspected main plotter, Boris Johnson, seems to belie the authority which she is alluding to.
It is not clear why BJ appears to have this air of 'you can't touch me' about him, when it comes to him contradicting Prime Minister May, as if he has something on her.
If Prime Minister May is willing and able to take and absorb the opprobrium, the serious pain which some of her party colleagues are apparently inflicting on her.
Then, she should probably soldier on in leading her Party and Captaining HMS Great Britain on her voyage to her still uncertain destination.
However, if her, her husband and her friends are concerned that she and they are not able to cope, then, there is a lot to be said in favour of her resigning and retiring to a quiet life.
There is, after all, much more to life than the hypocrisy of politics and political power, as David Cameron, the previous Prime Minister is showing. After all, nobody will really thank her for being a martyr!
Tough as it is for a leader to have to decide to step down, when she/her is being pressured to do so, there is probably more courage and humility in walking away, than to pushed aside.
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