Friday, 13 October 2017


Of course, our young relative was not able to respond to our attempts to communicate with him, in anyway. 

And, in time, we, naturally, lost the sense of relatedness, of having a relationship with him. 

Leading to our relationship dying, even before he had totally expired. 

It could not really have been otherwise, because, having lost all or nearly all of the attributes and characteristics which are associated with being human.  

Our young relative had now, and for some considerable time before his ultimate dead, become little more than an inanimate thing.  

And so it was, that a relationship which brought joy and happiness to us and him.  Was now replaced with us feeling a profound sense of sorrow and pity.  

For the terrible fate which had befallen a young man, who was once so animated, so full of life and had been enjoying the joys of life.

So, yes, his eventual death and funeral was a cause of sadness.  However, because society and the law had decreed that he should be left to die, slowly, almost a cell at a time, his eventual demise was more of a relief than one of sadness. 

After all, which compassionate person would begrudged the death of a fellow human. Who had been abandoned to live their final years and months in a state of increasing degradation, lack of dignity and disrespect? 

To have a lesser death than a dog and other such animals which, had they come to the attention of compassionate humans, would have been honoured with a swift dispatch.

So, I can understand the justness and compassion of what Mr Conway and all others.  Who are afflicted with degenerative conditions such as him, in asking not to be condemned to a lingering existence between living, and being alive and death.

What I cannot understand, is the cruelty, the lack of compassion, and the collusion of the law and courts, in denying humans the right to speed up their eventual dimise. 

Thereby helping them to maintain their dignity and enabling those who are caring for them - even when they are no longer aware of it - the freedom to commit their resources and energies to to others who are able to benefit from it.

After all, it is not simply about the escalating cost of maintaining 'life' at all cost, even when it is of no further value to its former possessor. 

It is that it has, at a certain point, simply illogical and inhumane, as its former possessor either becomes unaware that he/she still possesses it, and/or is unable to demonstrate and uses it. 

It is about being allowed the ultimate Freedom!

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