Tuesday, 17 October 2017


Fifty-nine Killed and over 500 wounded, read one of many headlines reporting the massacre of innocent Americans by a premeditated act evil. 

By another American. who, according to the power invested in him, by the American Constitution and the American government.  

Had in his possession, more than enough guns and ammunition to kill and wound several times more Americans.

That massacre, which is what it was, and not a tragedy, only occurred on 1st October 2017. 

So, you might be thinking, how comes it seemed to have happened so long ago? 

Is it because probably many more massacres and, yes, genuine tragedies, such as bush fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and landslides, have occurred since? 

Probably. But, could it also be an indication of the fact that the media, that vulture which feeds on bad happenings, more than it feeds on good tidings.  

Has chosen to move on from the murder and maiming of so many Americans, to cover other 'stories' and create other 'news'? 

Probably. Of course, it could also be that, what they say about 'familiarity breeds contempt', is really true.  

And that, with Americans having such a penchant for killing one another, this indulgence is no longer worthy of continuing media focus.

After all, as humans, we must find effective ways of continuing with our lives, if we chose to do so. However physically, emotionally and psychologically damaged we become.  

As a result of what other humans, some of whom are actually venting the impact of adverse circumstances on them, have chosen to throw on us.

So, Americans must continue to learn to strive in what they have made of their lives and their country. 

Like ants, after the convoy rolled over their colony, those remaining must pick themselves up, if they can, take a deep breath and get back on the thread mill or water wheel of life. 

In the hope of realising that other Constitutional, but, apparently lesser right to that of carrying and using guns. The right to life and the pursuit of happiness.'

Especially if, as seems to be the case, they have resigned themselves, as a people, not to do anything effective about the conditions, which have led and/or have facilitated massacres such as that which took place in Las Vegas.

To be continued.

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