Saturday, 14 October 2017


Yes, I know, I know that it is said that America is the land of opportunity, and that you can be anything you want to be in America, if you work hard enough. 

And, by god, I have worked very hard. How else could I have become as successful and filthy rich as I am? And, ...

I know that it must be the dream of every man - had it not been for my sexism, I might have included, woman - especially one as ambitious as I am, to rise to the top. 

A feat, I, Donald J Trump, in my more lucid moments, would not have imagined myself capable of doing. And which will surely have given rise to nightmarish senarios to tens of millions around the world.

Although, in my more florid moments, frequent as they were and continue to be, I knew for certain that I would have made it, made it to the top. 

Which I have now achieved, by becoming the President of the United States of America. 

The country which we, Americans, love so dearly, and which I have committed myself to make 'Great Again.' 

This once great country of ours, which, God, in his infinite mercy, the faithful is never tired of exclaiming, doeth confer his abundant blessings on.

As I sit here, in this great chair, composing my next great Tweet, with my dear wife already in bed, having had another uncomfortable day at my side. 

I find myself reflecting on the many lesser men who have occupied this great White House, having been made presidents of our once great country. 

Men on whose watch this country had acquired and lost its greatness. 

Which has unwittingly created the opportunity for me to be sitting here, and putting the final touches to my great plan to make America Great Again. 

To Make America First. To MagaMaf this once great country of ours.

As I sit here, with my profound Rumsfeldian thoughts, it pleases me that my dear wife, Melania, can be feeling so secure and reassured under my presidency, that she can appear to be sleeping so soundly. 

At least, I think she is asleep. In fact, it pleases me even more greatly, that all Americans can all feel safe, under my presidential watch. 

Which is why I must now ruminate on how  to make life very difficult for the unfortunate people whom, it would seems, god has inspired this soon to be great again nation of our, to turn our faces against. 

Which is why I am calling out Iran, the country which, again in my too frequent moments of what my detractors, and even some of my friends would, unkindly, say is delusion.

I have come to believe that the administration of former President Obama, has made "the worst deal ever."  

Yes, deal which has removed the yoke from the necks of the Iranians. 

This 'deal' which threatens to make the Iranians a friendly country. 

When Republicon, and even Democrat America, and our friends, the Government of Israel, need and have a vested, economic, military, strategic and political interest in them remaining our 'designated enemy.'

To be continued.

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