Tuesday, 17 October 2017


Oh how I despise former President Barak Obama for what he has done.  

Especially now that, in order to place Iran and its government back in the 'enemy box', I, the Great President Donald J Trump, must play the role of being 'the bad guy.' 

It does not matter that I, we Americans, should not be surprised that Barak has sold us short, considering that he is not really 'a true American.' 

Not having been born on the mainland. Not being white. Having an 'unAmerican' name. And looking more like the Iranians than he looks like 'a true American.'

Yes, I know that I must be strong for our America, or, at least, I must pretend to be tough, even though, I, Donald J Trump is hurting greatly inside. 

How can I not be seen to be tough, even tougher that the career and battle hardened military men who are purportedly my key advisers? 

I mean, look at President Putin. Look how tough he is and how he makes it appear natural? 

It was meant to be me and Putin, after I won the Presidency, but, what with all this 'fake news' about Russian interference in the election to skew it so that I win. 

All of which has contrived towards Congress holding me hostage. 

And nobody should be surprised or doubt me, if I were to venture to say I do feel as if I have been made a prisoner in the White House. 

If I were to confide in anyone, would I not vent my deepest feelings to them? If I felt confident in the love and trust of my dear wife, Melania, would I not let on to her how lonely I feel? 

But, it is the love of my dear wife which I desire most, and not her pity.

How terrible I feel that I am not more loved by ordinary Americans? 

I mean, what have I done to these people, that they should despise me so much?

Am I not just another American hero, like they are?

To be continued.

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