Sunday, 15 October 2017


Yes, it is the case that, providing they have or able to get the sponsorship, possibly anybody can become the President of the United States of America. 

Now, is that a good or virtuous thing, or is likely to be a bad and dangerous thing? 

Do you want a 'moron' or a mad and deluded person to be leader or managing you, much more so your country? 

And, especially is your country happens to be the formerly great and soon to be great again United States of America?

Probably not, but, if that is a nightmare scenario, then it is one which has now become the reality for the people of the United States of America, and, yes, for the rest of the world.  

Since America has presumed itself to be the questionable leader of the free world. 

And, since America sees it as its continuing vocation to be at war. Leading and cojoling 'the forces of good' of  the 'free world' against the 'forces of evil' of the 'unfree world.' 

 It means that the whole world is now, indeed, since January 2017, being led by not only a 'moron', but a dangerous madman.

 America was never qualified for the world role it has assumed, even under prescient Presidents. So, how much more unqualified is it for this assumed role, under its current President?

What fate Donald, The Mad, seeks to condemn the world to, one might ask. Adding, God help us.

 But what happens, if, as seems to be the case, Donald Trump is the most powerful, notwithstanding the most intellectually deficit god around at present? What happens then, who will safe us?

 Do we then have to look to the lesser gods for our salvation? To the Xi Ping, the Putin, the Macron, the Merkel, the Theresa, Rajoy, the Putin, the Gentiloni, the Mogharini, or the Antonio Guterres?

 Do we? Really? Hell, no, I do not think so.  Not with all of these leaders, either firmly, or reluctantly in the camp Americana alliance. 

Or, understandably, being very fearful of the economic consequences of America attacking their economies, with her monopolistic and extra-judicial policies. 

After all, even President Putin is edging his bets. With Donald Trump, whom he might have hoped, would have been able distance himself away from former President Obama's anti-Russia and anti-Putin hysteria.  

Has has found himself bound up by Congress and the Establishment, like a pig doomed for slaughter, on the one hand. 

But, on the other, still having the Executive powers to threat and hold the world hostage.  

By attempting to force other nations to yield to undiplomatic and treacherous attack on the Iran nuclear agreement.

To be continued.

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