Monday, 6 November 2017


Usa.: That seems a bit harsh, man. At least I am...

Therapist.: No, Usa. It is not harsh. No problem can be solved without first acknowledging that it exists, and then taking responsibility for finding and applying the appropriate tools and resources it need to resolve it. Let me finish. 

As I see it, Usa. You want to give the impression of doing something responsible to addressing the recurrence of gun massacres. 

But, in truth, Usa, it is no more than an attempt to deceive others into believing that that is what you are doing. Seeing that you are asking for the improbably. 

Which is that, you would not mind having less gun massacres, but not at the cost of reducing the level of gun supplies and possession  within your society

Usa.: I don't know, man. As I said, you might be right. After all, I am what I am, and I cannot give up what I am and become somebody else.  

Even somebody better, by giving up so much of what I now am, to take on a new persona, a new and better identity. 

Hell, man; it would be like shooting myself in my head, whereas the gun massacres I am experiencing now, well, they are just like shooting myself in my foot. 

I would be terribly afraid of the cost of giving up on my guns man. Terribly afraid, so much is at stake. 

The power of the gun and explosive means so much for how we Americans express our exceptionalism. Our America Firstness, our Greatness.

Therapist.: Yes, Usa, I can see all of that and much more. Which is why I have to conclude that you are not ready for therapy, not yet, and that we are done. For now, atleast. Even thought the situation might change again quite quickly.

Usa.: Are you sure, man? Do you think that that is.., I mean, safe?

Therapist.: Safe, Usa? What do you mean by that, 'safe.'

Usa.: You know.. safe, man!

To be continued.

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