Tuesday, 7 November 2017


Painful and traumatic as it is for all the victims of sexual assault, mistreatment, harassment, rape and exploitation, whether it occurred in historically or more recently. 

It is also painful for the accused and their families and friends. Just as how it can and does destroy the lives of the victims, and, in many cases, those of their families.  

It is the same way it can destroy the lives of the accused and their families and friends, whether the alleged perpetrator is guilty of the alleged offence or not. 

It is known that sometimes the purported victim will desist from disclosing the abuse.  Out of concern for the devastating impact it probably almost invariably will have upon the family and social network of the alleged perpetrator.

And then there is the issue of how the judiciary deals with allegations of historic sexual assault and rape of women.  

By making unnecessary for the accuser to have to be able to corroborate their accusation. 

All the accuser has to do, is to make the allegation and holds to it, and it then becomes a matter of her/his word against the alleged perpetrator.  

With there being almost a presumption that, except in cases where it is demonstrated that the accuser is patently lying about the alleged offence, it is she, and not the alleged perpetrator, who should be believed. 

This is the mindset of the judiciary. There is, it seems, a presumption of guilty accorded to the accused, by the judiciary as a whole, and specifically by the prosecution, once a case has come before the court; probably even before.

Except probably for the Harvey Weinsteins, the Dusty Hoffmans, the Bill Cosbys, the Kevin Spaceys, et al of the world.  

For, the ordinary people who are accused and tried for historic sexual offences, it would not be surprising if the only form of 'justice' meted out to them is what might be called 'peasant's justice.' 

With the might of the Judiciary, aided and abetted by the media and  media and politically manipulated public opinion, wanting to be seen to be acting 'politically correct.'

For the monied and politically well placed alleged perpetrators of alleged historic sexual offences.  There is likely to be more of a balance between State and the defender, in any prosecution.

And what can be said of the actual or probably motive for the alleged victims of historic sexual offences, wanting to disclose them belatedly? 

Similarly, what of the motives of the state in choosing to prosecute them? 

What of the principles guiding the prosecution and sentences, in cases where the accused has been found guilty?

To be continued.

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