Wednesday, 8 November 2017


Of course, the motives of the accuser can be varied. It can, for example, be a matter of her/him having been offended against, and simply want to bring the alleged perpetrator to justice. 

Why now, you might ask? And the answer can be as simple as the fact that the accuser has been wrestling for literally years, with the dilemma of whether or not to disclose.  

And how that would impact on him/her, their families and on the alleged perpetrator and their family. 

We have now seen how one man caught up in the media and political populist crusade has apparently taken his own life. There will of course be others who will follow that route.

Britain's Opposition Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has cited the need for pastoral support for people who have been accused of alleged sexual offences. 

However, while that might well be necessary, what would be most helpful, would be for society to return to the principle and practice whereby the alleged offender is 'deemed and treated as being innocent until charged and convicted.'

And why might the State proceed with prosecuting historic alleged sexual offences? 

Well, it could cite the law, its duty to accord justice to those who have alleged that they have been offended against, and it being responsive to public opinion and 'political correctness.'

And what of the principles the State uses to determine the severity of punishment to place on the accused offender who has been convicted. 

Probably in a trial where guilt had been determined solely on the basis that the jury found the accuser's story or account, more plausible than the accused's denial. 

With no independent corroboration of the accuser's account.

According to the model of jurisprudence which might apply, the sentence should comprises a number of different principles. 

Including, to punish the convicted person, to deter others from committing similar offences, to rehabilitate the offender, and to protect the community.

However, when it comes to allegations, and even the commission of historic sexual offences, some of these sentencing principles are of limited or no relevance at all, in specific cases, at least. 

For instance, because the alleged offence is historic, having been committed or alleged to have been committed in the past.  

Which can be 10, 20, 30, 40 or more years ago, the alleged or actual offender might well have ceased to commit the behaviour which he is alleged or have committed in the past.

To be continued.

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