Sunday, 26 November 2017


It is not easy for people who believe in 'democracy' and the 'right' of people to express their points of views and beliefs, and to then make a stand and oppose 'the right' of some people to do so.

The fact is that all 'rights' are, or should be conditional and relative, since their expression are likely to impact upon the 'rights' of others.  

Such as those people who do not share or oppose them. 

The conditionality of people's 'rights' is, in my view, that they should not result in significant harm, whether physical and/or psychological harm to other people.

The relativity of people's 'rights' is that, irrespective of how much we try to make them 'sacred', no rights are absolute. 

They are all relative and their exercise need to be limited or restricted to the point where they do not cause significant harm to the 'rights' of other people. 

Probably the only 'absolute' or 'sacred' 'right', is the 'right' to die, which takes precedence over the 'assumed right to life.'

And, it is in this context that I believe that the Government of Pakistan deserves the support of all 'fair and democratically-minded' people. 

In its decision to call out its Army to cleanse its cities of those religious extremists who have taken to the streets to try to force the government to maintain strict 'blasphemy' laws.

Now, it is my contention that 'blasphemy laws' have no rightful place in any enlightened society. 

And that societies which makes it illegal for the citizen to question, to challenge, to debate with and even curse the gods, are, indeed, deficient in their 'enlightenment' and 'democratic' credentials. 

The gods do not make an issue of being challenged and questioned. 

Indeed, they do not even speak to us humans, except in our imagination and state of self-deception. 

So, why in the proverbial 'heaven's name' should the religious extremists, instead of restricting the application of 'blasphemy' to themselves. Wanting to inflict this irrational concept and practise on rational people? 

People who prefer to be guided by the evolved and enlightened human intellect, than by the human manipulated dogmas of the gods they have imagined to exist. 

No, it makes no sense that any enlightened country should restrict the development of human intellectual and scientific development, by subjugating it to irrational and unscientific religious and theistic dogma.

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