It is still worthwhile nurturing it, as it still takes only one step to begin thousand mile walk.
Countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt, and others which give the imaginary and man-made gods supposedly supreme power over what ordinary and free people can think, believe and do.
Will forever remain on the periphery of the Age of Enlightenment. They will continue to occupy more of the darker spaces between darkness and light.
Between displaying patterns of extreme terror, and behaviour which is more conducive towards the maintenance of peace, openness and tolerance.
Between the irrational and the rational. Between benevolent humanity and pernicious humanity or inhumanity.
Between fear and hope. Between happiness and unhappiness. Prosperity and poverty. Between erudition and ignorance.
And yet, the transition of these countries from the negative to the positive, might not be likely to happen anytime soon.
As, just as how 'true education' and science can be used to equip a people to build a better future.
So can the forced maintenance of a people in a state of ignorance and subservience to religious mythicism, be used as a means to maintain religious and tribal leaders in power.
Which is probably why orthodox Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, et al, continue to remain 'Islamic states.'
Thereby using the presumption that their countries 'are being ruled and legitimised by god', as an instrument to maintain the religious and political elites over the masses.
After all. Considering what is happening in Pakistan, with frequent bombing and killing of Shias.
The intolerance of the Sunni Islamist extremists towards non-Sunnis, and the unwillingness and ineffectiveness of the government to protect ordinary people from the Extremists.
And then ask yourself this question: If Allah is in charge of the State of Pakistan, why is the country not being better governed?
Why are these Islamic countries, supposedly being ruled by the 'laws of god/s', not showing themselves to be the 'perfect models of good governance and nationhood'?
Why are other countries not rushing to adopt the 'Islamic State Model' of government?
Could it be that, countries with an Islamic system of government, all tend to be very poor role models for other countries wanting to build peaceful, prosperous and forward looking nations?
And yet, as we can see from the government of Pakistan backing down and conceding more 'democratic' and enlightenment ground to the forces of the past, to ignorance and mythology.
The future for this country and other Islamic states, are likely to continue to be as dark, if not darker, than their past, in which they continue to exist and live.
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