President Al Sisi and his government's moral and political legitimacy as rulers of Egypt, is and will always be questioned by millions of people.
Including many millions of Egyptians, who are likely to see them as usurpers of the hope and expectations of the 'Arab Spring', which saw the overthrow of former President Mubarak.
Followed by brief reign of a Brotherhood led government, which was subsequently bloodily removed by the Egyptian Army, and replaced by the present Al Sisi led regime.
Having destroyed the attempt of Egyptians to build a better and more prosperous future for themselves.
To make Egypt proud and a nation of substance again. It might have been hoped that President Al Sisi and his government would have attempted to make positive difference for the Egyptian people and the world.
But this is not happening. Egypt, it seems, is still as it has always been. A country sinking in poverty and despair. Still rife with intra and inter-religious divisions and strife.
With religious denominations, sects and factions, identifying themselves first according to whether they are Muslims or Christians, Sunnis or Shiites.
At the sametime, their government would like to improve the status of Egypt. Making it great again, if you like. But mainly in name, while the masses of Egyptians continue to live in poverty, destitution and despair, with not improvement in their lives.
Instead of improvements, Egypians are having to contend with the additional obstacles the conflict between the government and insurgents, including Islamic extremists, and being seen and treated as 'enemies of the state.'
While the Egyptian government is busy playing the subservient role of a partner in the Saudi Arabian led Sunni war against Shia Muslims.
Instead of focusing on placing the Egyptian people and Egypt first, by concentrating on trying to meet their needs. This is what the Egyptian government needs to prioritise.
To be more humane and compassionate in its actions towards Egyptians, and not continuing to disrespect, and, in their despair, force them into resorting to seek comfort in their religious faiths.
Faiths which are probably more suited to functioning in the past, than in the present.
Indeed, religious beliefs which have become a major obstacle to peaceful coexistence and trust among Egyptians.
And so it seems to me, that Egypt, like so many of the other Arab countries, including Jordan, are sailing quite rudderless in the wilderness, as far as the welfare of their people is concerned.
Her and their leaders are not of the stature and prudence of past Arab leaders. They have been educated and nurtured by the West, to do the bidding of the West and serve its interests, instead of those of their people.
This, then, is why the Saudi Brotherhood of Arab Leaders, have such great dislike for probably the only major independent minded Muslim country in the Middle East, after they have conspired to try to make Syria a failed State. Iran.
Whether Egypt's leaders like it or not, they and the other Arab leaders and countries in the region would be better of aligning themselves with the Iranians. Instead of the hapless and incompetent Saudi Monarchy.
Most likely, such an alignment would better serve the interests of the people of the Middle East. Rather than allowing themselves to be bought by Saudi money and patronage.
But for now, if President Al Sisi and his government wants to win the difficult war against Islamic Extremists. Then he should begin by declaring 'war on poverty, ignorance, unemployment, religious bigotry, religious sectarianism, and inter-communal hatred and violence in Egypt.
Thus depriving the Extremists of the very fertile and extensive breeding and nurseries from which they have a very big supply of recruits. This, President Al Sisi can do by 'putting Egypt and Egyptians, all Egyptians, first'!
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