Wednesday, 22 November 2017


The Afd, like America's KKK and Trumpism, has become a vehicle and a refuge, a natural home for Germans who believe that 'Germany for the Germans. ' 

A political home for Germans who want to 'keep the immigrants and the migrants and the Muslims out.'  

The Afd represents a coalescing of Germany's nationalistic forces. The same forces which RT seems to be unsympathetic to in America.  

But which it appears to support on the European mainland, because they are perceived as 'anti-establishment forces'. Like Marie Le Pen Front Nationale in France. 

The kind of forces which, given enough time and support to develop.  Are capable of evolving into the fascist regime which Hitler's nazis had transformed Germany into, and which has caused such catastrophic damage to the Russian people. 

Which is why one needs to look to Machiavellianism to begin to understand why Russia and RT seem to be so sympathetic to the Afd. The dictum of my enemies' enemies are my friends, might apply.

But, for now, while the Russian government might appear to take some pleasure in Germany's current political crisis.  

The failure and implications of the breakdown of the coalition forming negotiations, has to be a matter of grave concern for, not only Germany and her people. But for Europe, if not the world. 

Germany has had other crises in the past, but, with the world currently in disarray.  

And the American government being diplomatically rudderless, now is definitely not the time for Germany to also become rudderless. 

Not with Brexiting Britain floundering, and with the European Union being shaken by its Eastern European members. 

No, now is not the time for Germany to become flakey and unstable. 

Not with the aspiring to be Emperor, the monarchical Emmanuel Macron of France, coming towards the end of honeymoon period, after winning the final round of the last French Presidential Elections.

Europe and the world needs more and not lest political stability, as instability leads to chaos and the endangerment of the welfare of nations. 

It is therefore understandable that the German President should be asking the bickering political parties to take their responsibility seriously.  

And to not do a disservice to the electorate and the nation, by not forming a government. Probably even if it were to transpire to be only a temporary one.

Probably the least detrimental option for Germany and Angela Merkel, is really for her to try to form a minority government. That would be surely a challenge worth taking on; especially if she wishes to avoid the 'Theresa May Syndrome.'

To be continued.

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