A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Business leaders who cannot take the risk of 'waiting to see how it all pans out', like the architects and implementers of Brexit seem willing or are having to do.
As they, the business owners, have to be accountable and act in the best interests of their stake-holders.
And know only too well, that uncertainty increases their cost and risks of their businesses failing.
So they must, now, decide whether to relocate in other EU states, or incur additional costs; by making and implementing contingency plans.
And still, the Brexiteers, with the bureaucratic wheels of political dogma, driven by 'The Will Of The British People.'
As professed to have been expressed by the now distant and different world of 2015, grind on with Brexiting.
Ignoring all the omens of ill-fortune surrounding their path, and apparently oblivious to the desperate warnings for them to turn back.
As it is unlikely that the 52 per cent of the voting electorate in 2015, would have known that the Brexit voyage would have become a suicidal one, and wanted to pursue it to the fatal end.
And so it is, that the British people are being taken out into the wilderness of international affairs, and abandoned by their government.
As it blindly implements what it interprets to be 'the expressed will of the British people.'
But in the full knowledge of the fact that it is not in their best interests.
This, then, might prove to have been the greatest dereliction of duty and leadership by any government in Britain's, in the United Kingdom's history.
Which is probably why it is and will prove so monumentally costly. Not just for the nation, but for Europe and the world.
But, probably the biggest tragedy of the whole affair is this.
Just as how David Cameron, the leader of the previous British government could walk away from the impact of a situation which his then government has set in motion.
And leave the present government of Prime Minister Theresa May to pick up the pieces or make a bigger mess.
So can, and will, Prime Minister May, in her turn, also walk away from it, and leave the British people float or swim, devoid of credible and competent leadership.
After all, she can always cite as her defence, that all she was doing, was to 'implement the democratic will of the people.'
If she is deemed to have been wrong, then, that was only because 'the people had 'willed' the wrong decision.
Which raises the question: Can the people ever be 'wrong', unless they have been misinformed or uninformed in the information they relied upon to make their decision?
Such is, or can be the tragedy and cost of oftentimes manipulated 'the democratic will of the people.'
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