Israel is and wants to be a Jewish State. If the current Government of Benjamin Netanyahu could have his own way, he would have consigned the Palestinians, all of them, well beyond the current, legitimate and illegitimate borders of the 'Land of Israel.'
And beyond the Palestinians, he would have placed the Arabs of the Middle East, well out of reach of the LoI, where he would not have to bother too much about what they are upto.
Providing, that is, they are not prospering and developing the economic, military and political capability to be perceived as posing any threat to LoI, the Land of Israel.
Be those perceived threats be real or imagined.
Which is just why LoI is currently in the process, it appears, of forming the most unholy of alliances.
That of LoI and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. An alliance which is intended to challenge and attack the State of Iran, SoI, as well as the Shia Muslims of the world.
Yes, Iran and Israel are planning to make war on Iran and Sunni Muslims.
No greater hatred, no greater intolerance and lack of self-respect, can a religion has for itself, and others of the same religion, but of a different branch, by its brothers/sisters by a different father, if you like.
Than that it would, of its free will, get into bed with a State which is oppressing Muslims and see Muslims as a threat to its hegemony.
But this, is appears, is just what Saudi Arabia, under the seemingly reckless and maverick sway of its young Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salmon, is in the process of doing.
And what can we tell from this unholy alliance, if not that, while Saudi Arabia's objective is to remove what its Kingdom sees as the threat of Shia Iran.
Israel's objective is to ensure that there is a constant and continuing state of instability between her 'perceived and actual enemies. '
So that they do not have any time to unite and defend themselves from the constant and continuing threat which Israel's governments pose towards them.
This, then, is the role which Benjamin Netanyahu is asking Saudi Arabia and the people of that Kingdom to play.
To become willing tools to Israel's strategic plans. To become traitors to Pan Arabism and to all those Israelis, Arabs and others in the Middle East.
Who are aspiring for an end to conflicts and instability, an end to proxy wars, and for the inception of a long period of peace and stability in the region.
After all, so far, what has conflicts and wars brought the Middle East, other than a tragic adjustment of its peoples to living on the edge.
And, for the non-Israelis, a resignation to misfortune as being the Will of Allah?
Of course, it is not the will of Allah, but the will of the ruling elite and the passivity, hatred and/or powerlessness of the masses, whom they, the ruling elites, use either and/or force and propaganda to subdue.
But, for now, we await what planned dastardly deed the Israeli and/or Saudi Arabian governments are going to perpetrate and use as the pretext to light the new fire in the Middle East, so as to accelerate their planned war on Iran and Shia Muslims.
As ineffective as 'hoping' is, we must also hope that those with the power to stop them, will ensure that they do not succeed.
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