The current evidence is that, if it ever had been, it is no longer clear about what it should do and how.
As Robert Mugabe, whom it already assured was not its target, has probably succeeded in 'charming' the head of the Army.
Probably by recalling some story of past battles they had been in together. Well, if that is what has happened, it is clearly the time to leave the past behind and focus on the future.
The intervention of the Military will no doubt have been deemed to have been 'unconstitutional' and, probably, 'unlawful' within Zimbabwe's current Zanu-PF biased Judiciary.
Consequently, it is only logical for the leadership of the Army to be prepared to make themselves accountable for their action.
And, as is strongly indicated in this case, plead the cause of mitigation and ask the people of Zimbabwe to forgive them. And the new government to pardon them.
For having been forced to intervene and help to create an auspicious situation for the rebirth of Zimbabwe and her people.
Before this can be done, the country needs remove Robert Mugabe from power and create the conditions for a new government to be elected by the people for the people. And not to allow the competing intra and inter-political party factions to plot and scheme among themselves, as to how political, and consequently, economic power is to be allocated in the next stage of the country's history.
Robert Mugabe and all those around him, who have corrupted ravaged and robbed Zimbabwe, should be made answerable, in a court of law, for their actions.
As pleasing and euphoric as it is to have tens or even hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans in the country marching to demand that Robert Mugabe resigns.
This cannot remove the need for the Army to take specific and appropriate steps to set the country on a proper footing. After all, with it being the equivalent of him having a loaded gun pointed to his head and instructed to resign.
How can any forceful resignation by Robert Mugabe be seen as 'legally binding?'
Would that not be trying to conceal the fact that the coup is a coup?
The resolution of Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF's misrule of and damage to the health and wealth of Zimbabwe, has relevance not only for Zimbabweans.
But also for all other despotic and corrupt rules and their families and clique, who presume that the country and people whose lives and livelihoods they are destroying. Are their personal property.
And that they do not have to be accountable for the damage they have caused, through their incompetence, gross negligence, and/or brutality.
Impeaching Robert Mugabe could have some merits, but not if it were to be at the cost of leaving the rotten and corrupt regime which he has established, in place; the 'criminals' around him, if you will.
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