Saturday, 11 November 2017


With all that that would entail in bringing back memories of the brutality which Israel's intervention in the 1980s inflicted on the people of Lebanon.

The Iranian President Rouhani is certainly taking Saudi Arabia's hostile posturing seriously. 

As he should, considering that the Saudi government, considering its inept and brutal war in Yemen, is not known for its prudence or sophistication. 

In fact, it seems to be being guided anachronistic feudalism, which makes it more susceptible to the machiavellian designs of Israel and America.

And so we will have to look and await what young Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salmon is going to do. 

Whether he align himself with the peace and prosperity builders of the Middle East, or to continue to be amongst the chief war-mongers.

Crown Salmon is being made out to be 'the great progressive and reformist hope of Saudi Arabia.' 

And yet, he is the very same person who is responsible for the Hitlerian genocidal war which is being perpetuated against the people of Yemen. That does not add up. 

Neither does it add up that, while speaking of taking his country out of the Middle Ages mindset which has been its guiding star. He should now be taking on a more crucial and risk role as a key member of the Israeli-American-Saudi axis. 

Which is trying to maintain its domination of the Middle East, by taking on Iran and Lebanon. 

You do not declare your intention to bring your country into the 21st Century, and then turn around and court death and destruction by saying you are going to make war on your neighbour.

The is the wisdom of a foolish, reckless and brutal leader. 

Saudi Arabia, under its new scheming potentate, has the option of making itself - and the region - into the proverbial oasis of the House of Hell, or the House of Heaven. 

So far, the apparently suicidal and homicidal Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, seems intent on taking the path to Hell. 

Let us hope that he is not really doing what he seems to be doing, but then, we have the evidence in what he is doing in Yemen. 

This Crown Prince, if he has to bathe in milk and honey, would sooner bathe in and drink the blood of the innocent, in his endeavour to achieve his mirage vision. 

If Crown Prince MBS continue along his current path, he could find that he survive long enough to attain the wisdom which a prudent leader needs, to be able to embrace the age of enlightenment. 

He would need to stop the bloodletting and destruction in Yemen, which is defining him as a ruler whose 'progressive tendencies' are nebulous, in comparison to his barbarous tendencies.

So far these is not much, if anything complimentary about CPMBS, when he is examined through the prism of an enlightened age. He is still very much a product of a distant and dark past. A destroyer rather than a builder; a killer, rather than a protector of life.

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