Monday, 6 November 2017


So, the real issue is not about whether it is lawful or unlawful for some people in the Spanish region of Catalonia, have the right to pursue this or that aspiration. 

'Human rights', like 'human laws', are not sacred or immutable concepts. They are principles and values which give expression to the outcomes of how us humans interact, socially, politically and economically.

It is also about how they go about doing so. The argument regarding the modus operandi of the independence movement in Catalonia, is that they have sought to do so in contravention of Spanish law. 

The Central government should not expect that, by filing charges against the regional government of Catalan, and, probably, imprisoning members of the regional government, it will be able to snuff out their aspirations. 

This has also been the draconian response of many or most oppressive, and/or colonial and imperial administrations, when they attempt to address 'popular uprisings.' 

The Spanish central government is in fact aware that it cannot resolve the crisis by 'law and order' methods alone.  

Which is why it has called for new regional elections in December. Its draconian use of 'the law and the judiciary', is intended to discourage any repeat of the Catalan crisis.

However, while it is a legitimate aim of the central government to do what it can reasonably do to reduce the likelihood of any repeat of 'regional parliamentary rebellion.' 

Using methods which might have been acceptable in the Age of Brutality, of which Spain, in the 15th Century, like other countries, was steeped in, is not acceptable in the 21st Century.

Neither is it likely to prove effective for more than a limited period of time. Since the great danger in this approach is that it could create the oppressive conditions, the true raison de'tre, which Spanish Catalans, desiring to become independent.  

Could credibly cite as supporting their desire to become independent from the rest of Spain.

And so it is, that the Spanish government and people, of all the nation's constituent regions, need to review the terms and conditions of the social, cultural, religious, economic, political and legal contract which joins them all, as one nation, and to which they freely promise their allegiance. 

They need to work, like other countries confronted with similar strengths and weaknesses, use this crisis as an opportunity to more effectively build, freely and not through coercion, a stronger, more integrated nation. This requires great leadership of many and successive leaders. 

It requires Mariano Rojoy and the regional leaders to cease the opportunity and prove themselves worthy of the challenge. It is not about the central government becoming suspicious of and making war on the regions.Nation building is not about war, which is about destruction.

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