Thursday, 30 November 2017


' For as long as the former functional state of Libya remains in its current state of dismemberment.  

Of having to exist between the periphery of life and death, sanity and insanity, civil society and barbarity'. 

She will always be a pitiful and tragic symbol of Europe's and America's reckless disregard for the welfare of the people of States and governments which they perceive as representing a serious threat to their selfish interests. 

Libya should represent one of the most shameful act of destruction by Nato, so, you might ask: Why is Europe and America not doing more to atone for and clean up their crime?'

For Libya and the Libyan people, the Spring of 2011 has been one of  unprecedented tragedy. 

It was the time when events began to transpire that thousands of Libyans, both in and outside of the country, believed would have been for the greater good.  

But which has since developed and deteriorated into being for the greater harm. Into a cataclysmic tragedy for Libya and her people. Into the country ceasing to function as a functional state. 

Libya, for all intents and purposes, has, since the Spring of 2011, been transformed by her own warring people and NATO, the European Union and the United States of America, into a feared, Fail State.

Yes, it might be the case that I keep going on about how Europe and the United States and their Arab allies have conspired to destroy Libya as a functional State. 

How they have contrived to nearly utterly destroyed probably one of the most economically vibrant and politically stable countries in Africa. 

And turned it into another, but more deadly 'Somalia.' How the supposedly 'great Western Civilization', acting like classic conspirators, by getting co-opting the support of Arab countries.  

To make sure they also get the 'blood of Libya' on their hands, in an attempt to deflect the accusation of 'western imperialism' destroying the country. 

Went about the task, with different levels of awareness of the tragedy which they would be, collectively, bringing about, by set Libya alight, and subjecting it to a living hell.

Yes, it could be said that I do keep going on about it. But it is true that Europe and America and their Arab Askaris have destroyed Libya. 

It is also true that these countries would like to not have to be reminded of the enormous  crimes and harm which they have wrought in Libya. 

And of course, the catastrophic reverberations which it has and is still having on Libya's neighbours and countries further afield.

To be continued.

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