That might not be something which a desperate and angry section of the population will want to hear. But it is one which should be impressed upon them, while they are provided with effective relief.
To keep them motivated to make the necessary sacrifices. During the rebuilding period.
On temporary relief measure, could be for some of the large white-owned businesses to do more philantrophic or give-back projects.
They could do this by making annual contribution of lands and/or money to help set up and fund low income and rented housing projects. And charitable health care and education projects, and training and employment schemes.
It could be argued that it behoves the privileged section of the South African white elites to do alot more.
Since it is clearly the case that not all the white population, in common with all countries, who are amongst the elites of their society.
The elites need to visibly and vocally demonstrate that they are making a proportionate contribution towards making South Africa the successful 'Rainbow Nation' Nelson Mandela and others wanted it to become.
And not complacently thinking that the fact that their businesses are creating jobs and producing products is enough.
They, along with the emerging black elites, have a special responsibility for helping to constructively defuse the destructive centuries old racial and ethnic tensions which have been built up.
They have the power and they should use it for this end, if the predominantly black political leaders and governments are not to fail, however prudent and well-meaning they are.
Only to be rejected and replaced by forces which are even more likely to fail, but with the likelihood of doing so more destructively.
The responsibility for making South Africa into a prosperous, equitable and peaceful nation. Comparatively free of excessive disparity of wealth between her citizens.
And with a high level of social justice. Is one which lies with all South Africans. Although it is the case that their political, economic and civil, traditional and religious leaders and notables.
Do have a greater responsibility for coming together and leading the nation in the right direction.
This is not a responsibility, opportunity and burden which Cyril Ramaphosa can be expected to carry out successfully, on his own.
It was not one which the indubitable and esteemed Nelson Mandela could have accomplished.
And it is definitely not one which quiet and uninspiring Thabo Mbeki, or the apparently shameless, corrupt and pompous Jacob Zuma, who have both followed NM, have been able to achieve, either.
It is therefore unrealistic to expect that Cyril Ramaphosa can fare any better than the great man himself, Nelson Mandela, without the unity of all the people of South Africa.
And with the elite sectors of both the black and the white populations, effectively performing their role. In helping to 'draw the fangs' of the venomous racial or ethnic and the economic inequalities, which are threatening to engulf the country.
Unless these sectors of society spend a little less time making money and displaying their opulence. And more time, land and money, offering necessary relief and a livelihood to the many millions of South Africans.
Who are existing below, or just living on or just above the different levels of the poverty line!
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