Wednesday, 13 December 2017


'Power, it is said, corrupts good people. But what happens when corrupt and/or malevolent men assume position of great power? 

Might they not be able to corrupt the people, the masses themselves? First, in the distortion of their perceptions, and then the weakening of their conscience. 

So that they may more readily believe that 'evil is good', and 'good is evil', and that 'doing evil is an acceptable means of achieving their perceived 'good'?'

There are times when a person, unbeknown to them, are asleep and find themselves being petrified by great terror. 

Only to experience a great sense of relief, when they wake up suddenly, look around them and see some familiar objects, surrounding, and it suddenly dawned on them that, it was only a nightmare.

But, what happens when you know that you are wide awake, and find the mad, mad, mad world potentially drifting into a further state of volatility, which could greatly increase the risk of another catastrophic war? 

When you know that it is real, that you are not dreaming, because you know full well that you are living in a world which is inhabited by very dangerous and powerful men

And that some, in fact, many of these men, are in the government of probably the most feared of all of them. Donald John Trump, and members of his family?

What can you, what can the world do when confronted with such a dark scenario? 

Whereas you can escape from a nightmare by waking up, you cannot escape from a terrible reality by simply falling asleep, since it is not going to disappear like your nightmare.

Yes, it is at such times like that when you would hope that there ar 'good people' amongst the 'bad people', in whom you can put your trust. 

In the case of the American government, Rex Tillerson can be considered to be such a person of trustworthiness. 

Now, it might be the case that Rex Tillerson is not the only sane member of President Trump's government.  

But he is probably the most prominent one who is, or was capable and/or willing to stand up to the President. 

To be continued!

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