Thursday, 28 December 2017


So, how are we, unbelieving humans, to deal with the glaring contradictions, the improbably mathematical, moral and intellectual challenges with which the more discerning among us are confronted? 

When we try to engage in acts of worship with our religious compatriots?

What happens when we decide to take part in a religious ceremony, with our believing compatriots, but you do not share their religious beliefs ? 

What happens when you decide to go to Midnight Mass, probably as an act of giving or attempted empathy with members of our family who practises such a religion? 

How do you, how are we expected or supposed to feel, when we mouth the religious rituals of that religion, only to find that, try as we might, we just cannot identify with the words, or even the sentiments?

How are you/we supposed to respond to a church setting with a little manger with a toy baby Jesus inside it, in front of the alter, and with not a single child to be seen anywhere? 

What do you/we say to ourselves, when you find yourself wonder why are all these adult so willingly participating in such an obvious act of self-deception? 

I mean, it is one thing blindfolding your intellect, to enable it get pass the fable of Christ the Son of God.  Being deceptively conceived by and born to a virginous woman, Mary. 

Also, it might not too difficult for a child, not yet having the intellectual maturity and confidence to question the contradictory religious platitudes they are given, to accept an unlikely story, a fable, as a true event.  

But what is it that would cause that child to continue to believe it, or to appear to be still believing it, after they have grown into intelligent adults? 

Why do they continue to ignore the Biblical entreaty of 1 Corinthians 13:11? Which, in summary, stipulated that  'when I was child, I saw and interacted with the world as a child.  

But when I become an adult, I am expected to be a seeker of the 'truth', and to  put away childish things and see and interact with the world as an intelligent adult'?

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