'The tendency is for the powerful minority, sometimes they will be the elite, to set the trend and change the majority. And only on rare occasions for the majority to change the minority.
Which is why, at any given time, it can be very damaging for the majority to become silent, probably through fear.
And ignore or choose not to confront, what the powerful and/or potentially very powerful minority is doing.
In taking the initiative and leading society on a path which is, ultimately, to prove more societally demental than they had, or might have thought likely.
Which is why it might be prudent to consider whether the world, in particular, the western hemisphere, is under attack from misandrogynous tendencies?'
Adolph Hitler and his Nazis were not a powerful force when they began their insidious conspiracy to try to seize power in Germany and transform Germany into a fascist State.
They might not have known it at the time, but Hitler was able to pull and manipulate the right personal, social, political and economic strings.
With careful planning and recruitment of powerful men and women to his cause, his elite group was successful in establishing his Reich. Which he then used to unleash the most catastrophic war, hell on earth, sofar.
We have seen the same thing happening, though on lesser and national scale, in many of the 'revolutionary' and 'liberation' wars which have taken place in many countries of the world.
Through careful planning and persistence, small 'revolutionary' and 'liberation' armies have fought and struggled to transform themselves from being a minority.
To becoming the majority, by convincing the majority to take up, actively or passively, their vision of the new society they dream of, they envisioned.
When we put the same kind of analytical prism to our intellect and examine the roles and relationships between the genders, we can find much to concern us.
First the historical role of women and their ascribed relationship with men. Arguably, historically the role of women in most societies, seem to have been one of subservience to men.
Not of equality, or of a higher status, but of subservience, coming second to that of men.
It might be the case that the fabled Virgin Mary, purported mother of God, was, and is, according to Christian mythology, worthy of adoration by the faithful.
But, in the real world, a woman's role in any society, has not been one which many or most men would have aspired to, or welcome.
And this, despite women's invaluable role in ensuring the survival of the species.
Being involved in all key areas, from conception to birth. From emotional and physical nurturing, to education and socialisation.
To be continued!
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