Tuesday, 26 December 2017


It is known that the destiny of all humans, indeed, of all living species, is that we, at some point in our short and oftentimes miserable lives, will be called upon to forfeit it. 

To stop breathing and begin to the process of being reunited with the cosmic dust and energy from whence we evolve. 

Not being able to escape our fate, the only thing which could profit us, is if we are able to exercise some effective control over the mechanics and process and duration of our dying.

Whatever our religious belief or lack thereof, whatever our gender, or our age. Unless we are masochists and sadists, or psychopaths or sociopaths, we are all likely to have one thing, one aspiration in common. 

Namely that we and others should be blessed with having a quick dispatch, a speedy death, once our and their time has come to depart the world of the living.

We can all see how capricious nature can be, when it fate decides to kill us slowly. 

And when the unhelpful and misguided human laws of civil societies intervene to make such deaths even slower and more macabre. 

By either making it unlawful for people with terminal diseases to be voluntarily assisted, in having their lives terminated.  

Before they lapse into the netherworld from where they lose all control over their bodies, and, probably, their perceptual abilities. 

Making them no longer able to communicate and interact with the world and the people around them. 

Or society insisting that that they be kept alive artificially, even when it is clear that their lives are devoid of any meaning or quality.

And then, of course, there are the evil psychopaths, whose warped psychosocial functioning.  

Drive them to inflict on the humans, whose great misfortune it is, to be fated have their lives terminated at their hands, mercilessly slow, gruesome and painful deaths.

To be continued!

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