Sunday, 3 December 2017


Now, it might have that, god, or if you like, the  gods, do not really need us humans, probably because there is nothing that puny humans, in comparison, can really do for the gods. 

Yes, during our evolution, or history, our evolving from prehuman to our current state of personification. 

We, in our comparative ignorance and fear of the unknown, have conceived of and create gods, whom we have worshipped and learned to fear. 

Whom we have sacrificed our children to, asking them to intercede with the gods, on our behalf. 

So that the Sun and the Moon would continue to bless us with their heat and their rays of lights.  

Illuminating the world, especially in stages of our evolution when the nights were exceedingly dark and inhabited by fearful demons that made it their domain. 

When the light, both literally and as a symbol of knowledge and compassion. Was in shorter supply, and the dark, as signified by literal darkness, ignorance and 'evil', was in abundant supplies.

Times when the earth was watered by the blood of slain innocents - as, indeed, still happens much too often at present - in our desire to appease the gods, or to use them to rationalise our destruction of our 'enemies.' 

Yes, we have worshipped and dedicated ourselves and others to the gods. 

In our hope and belief that they will, would repay our various offerings. By ensuring that our crops are bountiful, our people become more fertile and remain healthy.  

And that our armies are victorious over our enemies; whom we also characterise as being the enemies of the gods. 

At least, the gods whom we, and not them, have created and made our offerings to.

So, no. It is unlikely that the gods want anything from us humans. After all, what use can the gods make of the blood of the slain innocent, however many they are and however heavily the 'rivers of blood' flow? 

They cannot drink the blood and washing themselves in it would make them blood thirsty and ghoulish. 

Very unlike any gods civilised humans would want to worship. Neither can the gods eat the foods us humans offer them, or drink the wine we give them, because their taste, like their appetite is not like ours

To be continued.

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