Sunday, 10 December 2017


Probably one of the biggest weaknesses of people of good faith, even of faith, of humility. 

Is that they are easily persuaded by 'fine words', words which are not even those of the speaker, but of the paid 'script writer.' 

They, probably foolishly or unwisely, unthinkingly, allow themselves to be sa
tiated or appeased by 'fine words', even when the harsh actions of the speaker, speak much more loudly and even violently. 

Thus we hear President Donald Trump opening a New Museum in America. 

Dedicated to the brave people who participated and suffered in the civil rights movement, speaking 'fine other people scripted words', about 'love, opportunity, and racial equality.' 

While his government's policies, both national and international, speak of something else. 

Something much darker, When they speak of poor Americans being deprived of basic health care, absence of educational opportunities. 

Of hapless immigrants being turfed out of the American Eldorado. Of Muslims, both American and foreign, being targeted and profiled. 

Of, according to the young Jewish Israeli demonstrator, aligning himself with his Palestinian colleagues. 

Against Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, decrying how Trump is setting fire to the Middle East. 

And still, with a smile on their faces, some African Americans are pleased, that Trump should be welcomed to the opening of a memorial dedicated to the civil rights movement. 

As if, allowing him to do so, will some how, miraculously convert him from his evil path.'

It makes no sense, unless you are a 'Trumpist', or a religious fundamentalist who is addicted to being deceived, who supports the man, irrespective of his actions, which are causing great harm. 

Unlike his disingenuous 'scripted fine words', which are likely to be the  sentiments of his professional and paid speech writer. 

Which Donald Trump delivered without any passion. Which is just as well, as, for him, 'they are only words.'

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